Book an Appointment

Think Pharmacy First

Many conditions can be treated without the need to see your GP.

How To Book An Appointment

The practice uses a text messaging service to remind patients of their appointments. Reminder texts are sent to mobile phones so please ensure the practice has the correct number.

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Book a Routine Appointment

Appointments may be made online, by telephoning or by calling in at the surgery.

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Get Telephone Advice

We are always pleased to speak to you on the phone to give advice or discuss results.

In fairness to other patients, we would prefer not to be interrupted during surgery time unless it is an acute medical emergency. We are happy to speak to you on the telephone in the morning. You will need to give us a telephone number (landline preferably) where you can be contacted.

Please inform us of any change in your telephone number so that we can contact you for resolving any urgent issue regarding your healthcare. We will also need to amend your details in our text messaging service.

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Emergency Consultations

These should ONLY be requested for a single problem requiring urgent medical attention.

You would be asked to make a routine appointment to address any other issues. Please be prompt for your appointment and please be patient. Most delays will be due to an emergency or the necessity of longer consultation for certain patients. If you need to be seen urgently for a medical emergency then you will be offered an emergency consultation with one of the doctors (who may not necessarily be your usual doctor). Please ring prior to coming to the surgery so we can arrange an appropriate time to come in for an emergency consultation.

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Need to see a GP but can’t get an appointment?

Our Croydon GP Hubs can help.

Call NHS 111 before you go to pre-book an appointment or wait to be seen without an appointment at one of our GP Hubs in Central Croydon, Purley, or Parkway.

More information can be found here

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Life Threatening - Go to A&E

If you or someone you know has a life-threatening condition, such as loss of consciousness, a sudden confused state, chest pain, breathing difficulties etc, you should call 999

In an EMERGENCY call 999.
Emergencies are situations that cannot be managed at home and may be life threatening